Well things have been pretty busy latley. Adam has been training for the Mr. Utah Body Building Show 7 days a week and me and the girls have been trying to help as much as we can but there is only so much we can do besides offer some support. His show is in April so he has 7 more weeks of hard core dieting and training until showtime. He is working so hard and is going to do awesome! He is looking great!! Here are just a few funny stories that have happened recently......

The other night when Adam was giving Laici her bottle Kyla decided that her baby needed to eat too. So here are the best of buds feeding thier babies!!

Adam sat down to do bills a few days ago and Kyla was with him. He ran into the other room for a minute and when he got back Kyla had drawn all over the checkbook ledger. When he asked her what she was doing she said "I'm just payin some bills daddy." It was so stinking cute!!

Kyla decided that she wanted to be a baby like Laici and sit in the baby chair. She was there for quiet awhile too. She is so silly. She saw Laici bouncing in it and thought it looked like fun I guess so she had to try it out too.